Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (720) 903-0813

Being who you are is a radical act.

Ready to connect? Let's get started!

Counseling for Anxiety, Trauma, and Body Shame in Westminster, CO

“Little bursts of joy are the footprints of your future self.” 

– Martha Beck


Struggling with shame, anxiety, and a ferocious inner critic? Confused about where it’s coming from, and can’t seem to shake a deep sense of insecurity? Are you exhausted by the gymnastics of your own mind? If you feel trapped in a cycle of trying to “fix it,” worry about what other people think of you, and increasing loneliness and disconnection, I can help! It’s time to end the war with yourself, and invite yourself back into living! 

It is possible to re-orient to your deepest sense of Self, and live from what you love rather than avoiding what you fear. Imagine walking through your life with dignity, nobility, and purpose, exactly as you are! Being who you are is radical because even though it is vulnerable, it makes space for authentic connection, love, belonging, and joy. The answer is not to beat yourself up some more. There is another way! I can help you open up to life on life’s terms, and move towards a soulful, connected, embodied life you love.  

I specialize in anxiety, trauma body image, and eating disorders. I offer a profound and unique experience of counseling, using dreamwork, active imagination, art therapy, mindfulness, and meditation to help you get under the surface and tap into your own deep wisdom for healing. I can help you to put the pieces of you back together, and grow your capacity for creating real personal and collective change. The change you want to see in yourself and in the world begins with you. You are needed, in the fullest, most authentic expression of Self. 

I would love to be a guide and a witness as you step out of “stuck,” and move into living the big, full life you were meant for. Check out my website and give me a call! Let’s get started!

With Love,

Rachel Smith, MA, LPC, NCC, CAS

My Approach

My approach is creative, intuitive, gentle and sometimes surprisingly fun…

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About Me

I am no stranger to the heartache that brings you to therapy – I have lived it, too, and am willing to be with you in the trenches.

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A Third Place

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