Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (720) 903-0813

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

– Mother Teresa

Let's connect and get started!

Community Counseling for Trauma and Eating Disorders

“Offer thy friendship, be worthy of trust. Be thou a balm to every sore, be thou a medicine for every ill.”   

– Abdu’l-Baha 


Throughout the ages, women have to come together to tend the losses, heal the wounds, and celebrate the victories in sisterhood with one another. These days, this kind of connection is harder to access than at any other time in human memory. We are freaking lonely, individually and collectively! We have lost the power that comes from holding our interconnectedness sacred, and tending to one another with deep care and authenticity.

Let’s reclaim it!

I have been in the field for over 25 years specializing in the intersection of Relational Trauma (childhood trauma/ complex PTSD), Eating Disorders, and Body Image issues. The path of healing is powerful to witness: life-changing and transformative. Individual counseling for trauma and body image/eating disorders works, and I see people create empowered, embodied, and connected lives every day.  

What I have noticed over the years is that as people achieve certain milestones, stepping out of shame and into authentic connection and secure belonging becomes a top priority. Where better to do this than in the safe container of a circle of women who are also working on being fully themselves in relationship? This became my most powerful offering: to take healing out of the box and open it up in community.

A circle of women can hold, see, lift up, and heal in a way that no one person can. In community, you are a PART of something, giving and receiving. You can grow your capacity for intimacy and authenticity in real time, and can practice new ways of being in a safe container. If you want to feel loved into the next chapter of your life and be a beacon of light for others, this is the way to do it.

We can get through anything when we know we belong, and that is a huge part of this offering. I think “getting through,” however, is the tip of the iceberg of what community can do for us. Together we can create culture and be a critical part of transforming society from the ground up. You matter more than you think. If you know how to really be present with others, you will become the change you hope to see. 

Being willing to be in community, to really show up in community, has the power to change you, to change your other communities, and to change the world. A feminine way is emerging, and it is collective. 

All of this starts small, so don’t be intimidated. Stepping into a new way begins with tiny (but huge) courageous moments of sharing yourself authentically: with yourself, with me, and with your own spirit. Eventually, being willing to share yourself with other people ripples into a spiritual and social wave that is beyond each of us individually. 

I would love to support you on this path!

Take a peek around and then give me a call. 

With Love,

Rachel Smith, MA, LPC, NCC, CAS

My Approach

My approach is creative, intuitive, gentle and sometimes surprisingly fun…

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About Me

I am no stranger to the heartache that brings you to therapy – I have lived it, too, and am willing to be with you in the trenches.

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Women's Soul Tending Circle

Registration is ongoing!

Contact me if you are interested in joining a women’s circle!