Soul Circle
Next cycle begins October 7th!
Reach out for more information and to register!
Throughout the ages, women have to come together to tend the losses, heal the wounds, and celebrate the victories in sisterhood with one another. These days, this kind of connection is harder to access than at any other time in human memory. We are freaking lonely, individually and collectively! We have lost the power that comes from holding our interconnectedness sacred, and tending to one another with deep care and authenticity.
Let’s reclaim it!
There is magic in being seen, and in seeing another honestly and gently.
The power of community allows each of us to experience a loving gaze, and simultaneously gives us the gift of holding a loving gaze for one another. We all need this deep sense of community on a primal, archetypal level. We need one another, especially as we step into new territories in relationships, careers, family, and the larger world around us. This is the offering I would like to share with you!
How does this work?
This is a long-term circle that tends the soul of each member. It is designed to build intimate friendships and connections that heal, support, and inspire you to engage courageously in your life. Through art, ritual, magic, and being in process with other women, each circle is designed to support and uplift you in your own best expression of Self.
Who is this for?
This group is for those who identify as women, or lean in that direction, and want the support of other women in community.
This group is for people who have done some work on themselves through counseling, meditation, 12-Step, and/or mindfulness practice.
This group is for folks who have the capacity to give and receive feedback, to regulate their emotions, and to hold self and other in deep esteem.
This group is for people who are ready to take the next step in their growth.
This group is for people who want to know themselves more deeply and live more authentically.
This group is for people who are ready to experience being a part of a community that is willing to go beyond the surface to explore issues spirituality, relationship, liberation, integration, and embodiment.
This group is for you if you are ready to take a deep dive into the adventure of living your life with integrity, connection, self-compassion, and embodiment.
“How do I get started?”
Most folks start with individual therapy and then add the circle when they are ready to take their therapy “out of the box” and try new ways of being in relationship in safe, real community.
“What if I’m too scared to join a group?”
Totally ok, and really common! Let’s start with a community of just the two of us, and take our time to join a circle. A soul circle is an option when you’re ready, but there is no rush.
Meeting Details
Circles meet every two weeks. Members are required to commit to an initial 6 months, and be in regular individual therapy concurrently. After the initial 6 months, members can stay in circle as long as they like. Member who take a break may return with a 3-month commitment.
The cost is $169 a month and includes 3 half- day retreats per year.
I would love to talk more about this with you! Contact me to ask questions, get more information, and to register!
****This form has been a bit glitchy! Please email me if you don’t get a prompt response***