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A relational life in balance can be a source of joy, companionship, support, and connection. When our relationships feel out of balance, or when there is conflict, betrayal, or disconnection, there are few things more painful in life.

I work with all kinds of relationship issues, including those with spouses or romantic partners, adult children, and parents. Most people come to counseling when they have tried everything they can think of to solve issues with these loved ones, and still there is no movement, change, or resolution. My job is to help you reconnect with a sense of choice and to act from a place of your own values. Sometimes ending a relationship is necessary, and sometimes it is more about re-visioning a current relationship, ending old patterns, or beginning new ones. 

I can help you navigate these questions and find what you say “YES!” to. What I love most about this work is how the relationship with the Self can change how we relate to others. If you are connected with yourself and living from a place of integrity and authenticity, your relationships will follow suit. Sometimes this means big hard changes, sometimes this means a subtle shift in attitude, but you get to decide how you show up. 

You deserve to have good relationships that lift you up and bring energy to your life. If you feel bogged down or hurt in your relationships with a partner, children, family, or friends, now is the time to listen to your intuition and get some support for change. 

There are many ways we can help you find your voice and take action towards positive relationships. Give me a call and let’s explore your circumstances, open up to your choices, and make your relationships better.