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Relational Trauma/ PTSD

Acknowledging and eventually allowing someone to safely bear witness to the painful experiences of our lives is a big deal. It takes a lot of courage, but ultimately facing our own wounds transforms them from something that haunts and hurts to something that strengthens, empowers, and deepens. This is an amazing process because the healing comes from a deep, whole place that already exists inside of you! 

Being a guide to the process of healing from trauma is one of the great joys of my life. Every day, I have the honor of witnessing the transformation of shame, fear, and rage into authentic power from within. I see people just like you imagine and create a life that is worth living. You can create a life of connection and joy in alignment with your deepest values – even in a world that would tell you otherwise. 

In my years of treating trauma, I have learned what works and what doesn’t. It is not uncommon for people to spend years in traditional counseling without meaningful change. My approach is predicated on a deep paradigm shift that centers what is most important in your life, and creates the space for you to act on those values with honesty, courage and kindness. This is a liberating experience! I see people heal and grow in ways they never could have imagined – and you can do this, too!

Together, we will move through a process of reconnecting with your own wisdom, unhooking from harsh judgment and self-defeating narratives. By being present to your life, open to your experiences, and doing what matters most to you, life will begin to open up. Gradually, you will become whole in a brand new way. 

Give me a call today and lets explore what this might look like for you!